Embracing Failure: How to Turn Setbacks into Stepping Stones
Embracing Failure: How to Turn Setbacks into Stepping Stones There is no denying the harsh truth that everyone faces failure every now and then. Whether it is in our personal relationships, studying, or work, there are always times when obstacles are bound to come our way which makes us doubt most or even all of our abilities. So let us ask this question: what if we take failure, and view it, not as a dead end but a mere brick, on the way to the ‘success road’? It is a fact that failure is the best educator of all. It comes with many lessons and helps to develop an individual being, and at times, takes us to different levels than the ones we may have planned. And the good news is, it’s usually within our power to decide how we are going to react to it. Why Do We Fear Failure ? The fear of failure is a common fear among many people and is caused by several factors, some of which include; expectations from the society, self imposed expectations and fear of what others think o...